
Join the Chamber

Joining your area’s Chamber of Commerce can be a smart move for your business. Because businesses that participate in this group promote each other and work together, your own business can grow and prosper quickly.


10 Reasons to Join the Chamber

Joining your area’s Chamber of Commerce can be a smart move for your business. Because businesses that participate in this group promote each other and work together, your own business can grow and prosper quickly.

Gain a voice in government

The local chamber takes on the tough issues and opposes new regulations, taxes, fees, assessments and costs directed at small businesses. It also helps protect the principles of free enterprise and aids businesses in being treated fairly.

Chamber events and programs

Chamber events and programs provide members with great opportunities to get to know new people and expand their prospect base. Chamber events are innovative and fun ways to help members meet potential customers, clients and vendors.

Increase your visibility in the community

As a new member of the chamber, you may be listed in the chamber newsletter, e-newsletter, on Facebook and can have the opportunity to be highlighted in other chamber publications. You also can grow your business by advertising with the chamber and sponsoring events.

Make business contacts

The chamber’s fundamental mission is to generate more business activity for the community. The chamber initiates more business-to-business commerce and more opportunities for networking and connecting local professionals than is available through most other local organizations.

Membership brings credibility to your business

You can increase positive perception among consumers and business owners when you’re identified as a member of a chamber of commerce. If you make it known that your product or service makes great client or employee gifts, you could wind up with a very nice flow of business from your fellow members.

Access to members-only discounts and services

Use various discount programs help save money. These differ from chamber to chamber. For example, a member-to member discount program where a chamber member will receive $10 off any phone or accessory purchased from the other local business which is a member of the chamber.

Promotion and publicity

With a chamber membership, you can reach potential clients through member exclusive advertising and opportunities for business-to-business advertising and publicity.

Acquire customer referrals

Every day, your local chamber receives calls from individuals and businesses looking for potential vendors, and chamber members typically recommend chamber members.

Create networking opportunities

Chambers have numerous committees and serving on one of them provides numerous networking opportunities as well as professional leadership development. You can build your business while promoting developments of keen interest to local businesses and the community at large.

Receive chamber newsletters

Newsletters provide new member information, interesting information about operating a local business, articles about the local community, a community calendar and details about up-and-coming chamber events, among other things. But don't send more then 2-4 letters a week, it could be annoying.

If you still don’t think you have time to join and participate in your local chamber of commerce, consider the following:

A membership that boosts your business, builds over time and pays for itself

Membership of the MidSouth LGBT Chamber is significant and builds over time. The more you use the Chamber and its member benefits, the more you’ll get out of your membership. In many cases membership pays for itself through the discounts and other benefits available.

Networking opportunities

The MidSouth LGBT Chamber can organize a busy calendar of professional and social events to support business networking. A full program of upcoming networking opportunities can be allocated on the Events page.

Education sessions, support and advice

Thanks to the resources and experience within the MidSouth LGBT Chamber, as well as its strong business relationships across and outside the region, it is well-placed to assist members in finding relevant business information, support and advice.

Member benefits and discounts

The MidSouth LGBT Chamber can support members in different situations. Members can have different fees, discounts, opportunity to visit special member-only events etc. You can see a full list of the advantages on the Membership benefits page.


Seeking members’ opinions on business matters and representing those views at county, regional and national level are fundamental functions of the MidSouth LGBT Chamber, as well as aiding with policy development on key issues affecting local business.

Examples of membership benefits include:

  • Reduced rates at Chamber events, including our conferences, business briefings, VIP lunches and networking receptions.
  • Discounted rates on our advisory services
  • Access to exclusive business intelligence on our website, including news and tender feeds
  • Reduced Chamber management fees for our frequent trade missions to the region.
  • Complimentary invitation to our quarterly Members’ Networking Reception.
  • Appropriate introductions at Chamber events and to organizations within our network.
  • Speaker slots at Chamber events, giving you an opportunity to share your organization’s expertise.
  • Monthly Members’ e-newsletter and quarterly Opportunity Magazine
  • Opportunities to advertise and highlight your organization’s news updates via our publications and website
    Offers for complimentary or reduced places at prestigious trade-related events.
  • Access our Membership Directory for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing
    Create your own profile and bespoke members page in our Members Area
  • Download speaker presentations, resources and watch video clips from our events
Membership Levels

Pick your membership plan and join today.

$ 50 Annually
  • General admission to LGBT Chamber events
  • Unlimited networking opportunities
  • Volunteer opportunities
$ 100
  • Admission to LGBT Chamber events, member pricing for ticketed events
  • Monthly Newsletter briefs
  • Access to member discounts
  • Access to members-only forum
  • Discounted attendance to annua holiday party
  • Discounted attendance to annua holiday party
  • Unlimited networking opportunities
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Member decal (digital as well)
  • Voting rights for Chamber business
  • Complimentary notary services
  • Consideration for inclusion on Chamber Committees & Board of Directors
  • New member business announcement on Chamber's social media platforms
  • Standard listing on the MidSouth LGBT Chamber
$ 250 Annually
  • All Individual benefits PLUS:
  • Access to ribbon-cutting service
  • Logo on monthly newsletter
  • Social Media coordination (sharing your business event posts on Chamber
  • Potential to grow pool of volunteers from chamber membership
  • Potential to gain new donors and sources of 10-kind donations
  • Become a Premium corporate resource for sDeers. Daneusts and expertise to Chamber membership base
  • Ability to post jobs on Chamber website
Company Bronze
$ 400 Annually
  • All Individual benefits PLUS:
  • Access to ribbon-cutting service
  • Logo on monthly newsletter
  • Social Media coordination (sharing your business event posts on Chamber social media channels)
  • Access to resources for speakers, panelists and expertise from Chamber membership base
  • Ability to post jobs on Chamber website
  • 2-minute welcome presentation presented at 1 Chamber event or seminar
  • Complimentary access to annual Chamber Matchmaker event
  • Complimentary Entry for one to Chamber Thursday Networking
Company Silver
$ 750 Annually
  • All Company Bronze benefits PLUS:
  • Invitation to Corporate Advisory Roundtable
  • Complimentary Entry for two to Chamber Thursday Networking Mixers (nonmembers $20.00)
Company Gold
$ 1000 Annually
  • All Company Silver benefits PLUS:
  • Exclusive invitations to Top Investor. C-suite events
  • Complimentarv Entry for four to Chamber Thursday Networking Mixers (non-members $20.00)